-l O Taking 1 from each factor except two, we get all the terms Sagayx™ + Sbibsx® 4 eqepa 4 eeene g $abss™*® 4 Sa5csa™Y 4 TogogBHY veene % fflm + fio?’fl & fooaXiY 4 teeceseee 4 fiu"‘“e 4 hoi’aw * ¢°1‘xfi‘y vessve ; Continuing this process we get each ope of the ¢'s exactly once, pultiplied by the associated power of x, and we have® Tom 14 pas™ 4 o™ 4 f0uf 4 £ox® 4 £330 4 poo ol 4 p s % faxx’a’a 4 toazas + p10ax®™Y 4oveeens Associated with #4a,..¢ is a power of x whose exponent is J+ B+ °*c* 4 g\, that is, the weight of . Since we may have 2u=8, a+B=y, etc., the coefficients of some of the powers of x way be grouped together, After this is done, the expapsion of the prcduct may be written ) U= 14 Cox 4 Cox® 4 C,xa 4 ceveesey Cu,w"’ ) In this form, some of the U's may be zerc, for not all of the powers of x need be present. The coefficient Cy of 5™ in the series (2) is the sum of all the terms containing x¥ in the expansion of the product II, No other terms cf weight w are to be found in the series. Therefore, in terws of the ¢'s, Cy is the sum of all of the #'s of weight w. FEach of the #'s is a symmetric function, and therefore C, is a symmetric function, and it is of weight w. As a general formula we can write (3) Cow = Stipeeeq » where the summation is taken for all values of the indices such that jo + ¥ + **** + QA=w, Since the weights of the ¢'s depend upon a, B, vy, sl the representation of the C's in terws of the ¢'s also depends upon «, B, v, **c= . The weight of fjheseq is 70 4 M 4 *ove ¢ o\, where ®, B, <==c, A\, j, k, ****, q, are all integers. In order to write down the representation of the C's in terms of the ¢'s so that it 8 See Knopp, p. 487, sec. 258, Sats 1, for proof of this. The termg in the series are arranged in the order in which they would sppear if @, 5, (0T, were 1, B