b Each line of this sum can be written a¢ gqu , where the accent indicates that b¢ is omitted from the sum. Let R = §|b!, LS $01 is absolutely convergent, then %:'lb,,l SB, and |pq,] § I;::a&:'b,] Egldtl E:llbll £ M. From this we find that $11 is absclutely converéent. By breaking #4k...q into its component sums and by repeating the process just used, we can show that #spe..q -is absolutely convergent for every choice of j, k, ***, g, provided $1, po1, toos, °°°°, are absolutely convergent. We have now proved the following theorem: TrEOREM I, Given the sequemces (ag), (bg), (cq), *°°v, (1g),**, A mecessary and sufficient condition that all the s's and all the p's shall comverge absolutely, or shall be symmetric, is that s,, So1, so01, *°**, or ta, foi, Poos, *°°°, Comverge absoluteily, or are symsmetric, dbsolute convergence and symmetry are equivalent coxdi~ tioms of the ¢'s and the s's; either one may be replaced by the other, Expansion of an infinite product in terms of the p's, and in terms of the s's, and other fundamental formulas. In the next paragraphs some fundamental formulas will be derived by means of which we can express symmetric fupctions in terms of the #'s or the s's, together with the conditions under which these expressions represent the functions, Let x be a complex variable, and let &, B, v, «==« A, «-, be a set of distinct positive integers arranged in ascending order of magnitude. Now form the series ° vi(x) = a;xa + b;;fl f: c(,xY 4 veeseees 4 111)‘ 4oveeee i=1, 2 3,