-6~ Now $4 = a,J + ngl + a" 4 *eess and 8, = blh + b,“ + b.‘ 4 veces e s so that Ssk= a,zb,s + a,’b,z + ag?d g% 4 o, Multiplying the last lime term by term by a third s, and that result by another s, etc,, we obtain $ikeeep ', Which is absolutely convergent for each choice of j, k, ****, r, Therefore all the s's are absolutely coovergent if s,, sq1, $e0s, **** are, The defipitions. of the #'s and s's show that $3, foa, Poos, "°°, are equal respectively to S5, o3, Sgoa, ****, s0 thai when the functions of either of these sets are symmeiric, so are the functions of the other set. Let 25 = a5 4+ a;, + a4 “t°®* converge absolutely, and write s = ayay + 0,05 + aj04 + agag 4 e + aga, 5 + ‘+ agag + agas + agag + e + agag 4 *ccee + tesensvessace « o 200000 e = za‘ E al' =1 2441 Each line of this series is absclutely convergent, for it can be written aqg ;‘,a, » and %‘ lagl S § laj| , which is convergent 41 141 3 & because £y is absolutely convergent. Let A denote Tlayl . Now 1 replace each factor of each term by its absolute value, and we o« « o L3 2 R ? have zla¢lz las| = Zla-’lZIGJ|=A » from which ¢, & A%, and ¢, converges absqlutely. Slmxlarly we can write |[gg] = |Za¢ 2 aJ z a.l i s Elailz’aJlZIOkl A*, aud therefore ¢, converges absolutely. We can show in the same manner that every ¢4 converges absolutely for every j. Now write $11 = ; G3bg + a3y 4 asby 4 ceves agbs * 4+ asby + agbe + ccvee aghy + aghy * 4+ agbg 4 *eves asba + asba + asds * 4 seeee PeP0r0svr0ecrrrerrec et ennng e ek e »