=5< series or product is a syrnetric functicn of its terms, or factors, as the case may be. For, an absclutely convergent infinite series or product remairs unchanged ir value when its terms, or factcrs, are rearranged in order. Conversely, every symmetric functicn of infinitely many elements must be absolutely convergent if it is ex- pressed as an infinite series, or product, of its elements. For its valve must remain unchanged by every permutaticn of the rows cf elements. A conditionally convergent series er product may be made to have any arbitrary value by rearranging the terms,® or the fac- tors; * so that a conditicnally cervergent series cr preduct could not te symmetric. Therefcre, sbsclute ccnvergence and syrretry are equivalent cerditions for infinite series or preducts. We shall now preve that if.s,, so1, Soo1, *"**‘, are sbsce lutely cenvergent, then all of the sis and all of the ¢'s are. Write S1 = a3 4 Gg + 0s.t Qg 4 -t $3. T a3 4 69 + ag + a4 + v Multiplying term by term, S2 = ay°4 az ™ ae®4 a %4 ceeens Sirce each series called 'sy is aktsclutely ccnvergent, then sp is absclutely canergent; foriéacb terr a4 cf an absclutely cervergent series is wultiplied by a factor g¢¢ such that |q¢] < K, a ccnstant, fcr every i, the resultirg series is absclutely convergent.” Inp this case ¢¢ is a4, and since s, ccnverges, Loy = C and therefere satisfies the conditicn that |ay| < K. Using 'sg in the second lire in'place cf si, we obtain ss in the same ranner. Fcr the sage reason, 'sy is absclutely ccnvergent. By contiruirg the preocess, we cbteir s,, s.;'s,, **t*, and ir the same manner sqy, Soe2, Sop, *'*’, Sco1, ‘Soo2, Soes, *°'*', etc., all of which are atsclutely corver— gent. —_—— . Browwich, sec.o8. Smeil, sec. 141. Bromwich, sec.4i. Bromwich, sec,318. Smail, sec. 12€.