Fart I Thecry of Syrmetric Functions Introduction A fundamental problem of symmetric functions is that of expressing a symmetric I function of one kind in terms of symme t- ric ¥ functions of another kind. The already published sclutions of the prcblem seem to be valid only when the number of elements and of sequences is finite, and those scluticns require a step by step process of building up from the simplest functions, except when there is just one seauence of elements.® The solution given here is valid for an infinity of sequences, each compesed cf an infinity of elements. A step by step Frecess is not required, and all the finite cases are included as simple special cases. Ry transforring intc series an infinite product each factor of which is an infinite series, formulas are derived for expressing symmet— ric functions of cne kind directly in terms ¢f ancther kind. The heretofcre difficult and tedicus problem of expressing any general sygmetric 3 functicn in terms of the elementary functions cr the surs of rowers of the elements is done here by reans ¢f a few sim~ ple substitutions into the formulas. The various finite cases are obtained by assigning the value zero tc all the elements not in the given finite set. In this entire paper no special consideratjon will be given to a finite number cf elements or sequences, except when examples are given tc show that such are special cases. In a polygomial or infinite series which is a symmetric functicn, if the whcle terws are the elements, there is ncthing e el st i S S 0 3 SR TN B U ! See Cullis or Junker for the step by ster rrocesses. Iresden #ives a formulas for the problem when there is only one seguence, The complete titles of all references are listed at the end of the paper, -]