921454 Table of Contents Part I, Theory of Symmetric Functions, Introduction Definitions of the elementary symmetric functions, the #'s, and the sums of powers, the s's Convergence of the s's and the #'s Expansion of an infinite product in terms of the #'s and in terms of the s's, and other fundamental forrulas Fundamental Theorem of Symmetric Functions Expressicns fer the #'s in terms of the s's, and for the s's in terms of the p's Products and quotients of infinite products The most general £ functions in terws of the s's, and in terms of the #'s, with examples Fart II, Applications to Infinite Froducts, Expansions of products having bincwial or trinomial factors Expansions of the .9 and elliptic functions Expansions of functions requiring a convergence facter; the Gamma function and the sine function Expansion of a product in which the a's form a geometric sequence; the O-function Appendix. Note concerning the weights Note on the choice of nctation References Vita 19 26 28 33 37 40 42 43 44 48