170 THE FASCINATION OF NUMBERS Wednesday, for example, is 2 days later than the preceding Monday. Every Monday is 7 days later than the preced- ing Monday. If the date of the first Monday in any month be the 1st, then other dates are calculated: M. ST W, I 2 3 8 9 IO or M. A W. A1 141 1+2 B Ci{r | {71 {1471t D and it is obvious that A+D=B+C Just as there is a fixed relationship between the first day and any other day of a month, so there is also a similar though more complex relationship between the first day and any other day of a complete century. Also, in the same way as we can calculate the date of any day, so may we perform the reverse operation of ascertaining on what day of the week any date will fall. If we confine ourselves to the twentieth century beginning 1900 we may proceed as follows for any date. Add together: (a) The last two digits of the year. (b) A quarter of this same figure (ignoring fractions). (¢) The code number for the month (see below). (d) The number of the day in the month. The code numbers for the months January to December are, in order, 05 30 8 Bi Iy ! 0920 50 10 By B Therefore, to find the day on which the 25th December 1954 fell, we have: (@) 54 (b) 13 el 1S (d) 25 97 bl k] WWW i Tt AT bk o ; s bRl atiia it BRI e Wt R ah S LSRRG it the: R I T TP TERIRPETII e rat e DB § & 4 1 1 i § g. z “x. : 3 | L S SSE TS S SRS s s