APPENDIX 3 The Four Fours Problem—Examples This very old problem consists of expressing successive integers (up to a specified limit) in the appropriate mathe- matical form, using only four fours in each expression to- gether with any necessary signs. This throws an interesting light upon the construction of numbers and a few examples are therefore given below: I=%Xi 13-——\/;—#\/_;-}—% 2=i+% 14=4 ><4——\% 3=4+i+4 I5:4X4_§ ZT%}X_\%Z 16=4+4+4+4 5=Va+Vat: 17 =4 X4+ 4 4 O e 7= =7+ 8=%} +4 20=4(4 +§}> kS 9=4+4+% 21:%&