" PO " YL eIt e L Gt T TR T e e R T RN R et UL AR P RTEEN &‘.' e & % & 166 THE FASCINATION OF NUMBERS where 3, 6 and 10 and all similar numbers are triangular. If we treat the triangular numbers as terms of series and find the sums of these series, we have: 1+3+6 =10 1+3+6-+10 =20 1+3+6+10+15=35 From this we derive the new series 1, 4, 10, 20, 35, etc., and these numbers are found to be equal to the number of com- binations of things taken three at a time: e s R M Ty e Xk 10 0207 188 From these facts it is clear that "C,, for example, may be ex- pressed as an addition of terms of the form "C,. Thus: 4Cs BE 202 *+ 302 and similarly 7Cy;=2C,+3C,+*C,+°C,+°C, Numerically, the latter example is expressed as: SO S R i B CaaTrat _(2.1)+(3-2) +(4-3) +(5-4) +(6.5) 2 an expression which, despite its obvious pattern, would be difficult to prove (short of calculating each side in full) with- out the use of the combination formula allied to the theory of the nature of triangular numbers.