164 THE FASCINATION OF NUMBERS Thus (1-002) (1-003) =1 +-'002 4003 approx. =1-005 The degree of error is again very small, the actual value being 1-005006 By similar methods, the expression: (1+2) (1+) may be reduced to I4x—y where x and y are very small. Thus, 1'005 1002 =1 +-005 —*002 =1-003 0 21 Y EOTITVEVEVEIBRVRAOUTORTC 173 0 L 118 HaEwaeld 10 i e e i 4 b 3 e neta FRETERTETB TG HL o W oo j i et el i I et ittt R LR RETI b TR R AT R e T R T TR B = et a s Epeats aged et e it SRRl S T RS EE RN, B et m,,. s