APPENDIX I Pascal’s Trjangle and the Binomial Theorem The following triangle shows at a glance the coefficients of the expansion of any binomial of the form (x+41), o d R e R ey These coefficients are derived from the general formula for the expansion of n(n (x—f—a)"=x"+nx”—1a+(I\2)x”“2a2+ L R A If a=1, then all powers of ¢ are also equal to 1. Any number multiplied by 1 remains unchanged, so that a and its powers may be eliminated from the expansion. Then (x—]~I)":x”+nx"‘1+n—(fif‘21)x””2+ s e and the coefficients of this expansion are, in order: TN m VLA g I,2 it being remembered that 7 represents the value of the power to which the binomial is being raised. Thus, for different powers, the coefficients are: 11 161 o e B & 3 2 F 2 R i T ¥ : ’.. 1