160 THE FASCINATION OF NUMBERS of humanity? For if there were no such increases, it must be presumed that those individuals whose significant numbers reduced to the roots of 10 or 11 would have no future at all! It has even been seriously suggested that a person might be able to change his fortunes merely by changing his name, or by using initials instead of his full name, and thereby altering his significant number. Modern numerology would appear to involve a process of thought which compensates by its adaptability for what it lacks in logic. g The dangers inherent in any system which ascribes a mystic significance to numbers may perhaps be best exemplified in a modern hypothetical case—that of the number 999 which is dialled on the English telephone services for emergency e calls. This number has taken to itself a significance quite divorced from its origin as a telephone number, and has now come to be strictly identified with the police and legal pro- , cesses, despite the fact that it is also used for emergency ‘ ambulance and fire service calls as well. Perhaps we have here the seeds of a future belief that the number 999 is a numerological symbol for the maintenance of law and order against the powers of evil. Arguments of the type normally forthcoming could easily be adduced to support such a belief. The number 999 is odd and therefore masculine and favourable; it consists entirely of the repetition of the digit 9, a favourable number, and its digital root also reduces to g; and, still more significant, it is the number of the Beast upside-down! All this in the centuries to come may be ‘proved’ about a number, which really owes its significance to the very i material fact that it consists of the repetition of the one digit which occupies a particular position on a telephone dial and may therefore be dialled in the dark, being located by the sense of touch alone. As a final thought we may consider that nine is not only one less than fen; it is also equal to one over the eight and, seen in this light, it is apt to lose much of its respectability. 3 S e e Rt AL AT PPPTTICTTTYCTITT e CICTAEARITIY PR ST ITnd 110031 Y WRERRRERI T RIT S FRVINYe o ,, N L Eil e e T R e e T et Y