NUMBER MYSTERY 159 Various people at different times and by varying numero- logical processes have claimed to be able to prove that this number represented their particular enemies. It may be men- tioned that the only apparent fact known about the number is that it is triangular and palindromic. It is also the sum of all consecutive integers from 1 to 62. There are at least two methods whereby modern numerolo- gists seek to prove that every person has an affinity for certain numbers or, vice versa, that certain numbers ‘vibrate’ favour- ably or unfavourably with regard to particular individuals. One method is to reduce the individual’s date of birth to its digital root. Thus the birth-date 12.7.1932 would reduce to the digital root of 7, unless the date is shown alternatively as 12.7.32 (as in some systems) when the root would be 6. The digital root is then termed the significant number in respect of that individual. From this significant number, the numerologist claims to have the power to divine the nature and character of the individual, his fortunes in the future and, amongst other inti- mate details, the significant number of the lady he should seek in marriage! The second method is to assign a numerical value to every letter in the alphabet and then to express the individual’s name in numerical form, again reducing the latter to its digital root. The interpretation of the significance of this root then proceeds as before. Superficially it would appear that the numerologists claim to discover a great deal of significance within the limited scope of nine digits. Since the decimal system of counting is of only an arbitrary nature, the reader may be excused for wondering what developments in numerology would result from the adoption of a new scale of notation. If, for instance, the scale of twelve were to be adopted and two new digits were to emerge for the numbers 10 and 11 respectively, would there be an automatic increase in the amount of numerologically significant numbers and, as a result, a similar increase in the number of different divisions