NUMBER MYSTERY 157 Another biblical association is provided by the three wise men bearing their gifts, whilst in classical mythology there were three Graces and three Furies. In heraldry we find the three British lions in the royal arms; three legs in the quaint device of the Isle of Man; and the three feathers of the Prince of Wales’ Feathers. In modern times we are all familiar with, if not proficient in the use of, the three R’s of basic education; we are often called upon to give three cheers in some cause or other and, in our nursery days, most have lived with the three blind mice, the three bears and the three little kittens who lost their mittens. Four was also a sacred number to the Pythagoreans be- cause it was the first square number. It was deemed to repre- sent the four elements and was, as a consequence, the symbol for the Earth. The number five was the number of knowledge. Its symbol was the pentagram and this was also often taken as the symbol of Man, representing his five members (head and four limbs) and his five fingers on each hand. Five was also the symbol of marriage because it expressed the union of the odd number, three, and the even number, two. Equilibrium and peace were represented by the number six, its symbol being two triangles base to base. This identity is still expressed in the phrase ‘sixes and sevens’ to describe the upsetting of the equilibrium, and also in the phrase ‘six to one and half a dozen to the other’ to emphasize a balanc- ing equality. The number seven rivalled the number three in popularity. It has repeated references in the Bible, having particular significance in connexion with the day of rest following the creation of the World. Then there are also the Seven Virtues, the Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Sleepers. There were seven wonders of the ancient world and, throughout the years, men have yearned to attain the ecstasies of their seventh heaven. To the Pythagoreans, the number eight was the number of justice because it divided evenly into four and four, and each z . oY 1 i : b i = 2