MAGIC SQUARES 155 47+5+ 47+5 5+9 47 +9+9 A7+ | 47+ | 47+ 9+9 5+9 | 5+5 47 47+5+| 47 - - 5 51949 9 its first digit from the second and the result from the third digit and so on. An example of such a square is: In this square, the constant is 5. It should be noted that, in practice, it is simpler to deduct the middle integer in each row from the other two integers in the same row. The same result is obtained. In a multiplying square, all the integers in each row, column or diagonal, when multiplied by each other, give a constant value, as under: In this instance, the constant is 216. B PRI e 2 £ : 3 = : Z 4 A