FORPIETAryY o RN VLTI IR T IT Y - 5 % § L (bl b A S RN i e - 2 P e ' - PIERE R S L i R ew " 152 THE FASCINATION OF NUMBERS The number 3, for instance, is transferred to the last sub- square in the second row. The following magic square results: o le [w]e]e s 1 ]9 127 > oot 10 5[z 2 [5¢ Lo [T 53] e s o[ [s2] o 10 il 6 [ w[ss[ 2] s [ 15150 1 [ Magic squares are by no means confined to the use of con- secutive integers. They may, in fact, be composed from any set of integers which conform to certain rules. A square may be made from nine integers (a) if these integers can be written in three sets of integers, each set being an arithmeti- cal progression with a common difference of 1, and () if the relative terms in these sets can be extracted to form new pro- gressions with a common difference of 6. The following nine integers may be so arranged: ok N R g R Lt and their arrangement is: o bt (1) I e g (i1 ¥ 10800 (111) 08 AT s