MAGIC SQUARES 149 A very different construction for a square of the same size, or order, as the one above is by means of two preliminary squares. In square A, the numbers 1 to 5 inclusive are placed in the top row in any ofder preferred. The second row begins with the number in the fourth sub-square of the first row and this is followed by the remaining numbers in the same rela- tive order. Each successive row commences with the number in the fourth sub-square of the previous row. Square A Square B is built up from the numbers o, 5, 10, 15 and 20. These numbers are placed in the top row in any order. Each successive row starts with the number in the third sub-square of the previous row, and the other numbers then follow in the same relative order. DREEE 1005 15010 5[0 wo]zo[ 5 1o20[ 5[ 15[ 0 s 5ol Square B i B £ ! " i