B e bl TS ARRANANGNI Ll i | 8 i r T 138 THE FASCINATION OF NUMBERS but the square root of 25 is neither +5 nor —5 alone. The correct root is plus or minus 5. The minus sign is also featured in the following. Let x be the quantity which satisfies the equation ¢®*= —1. By squar- ing both sides we obtain ¢**=1. But a° always equals 1, no matter what value a represents. Thus, a®=a®, so that 2x=o, and x=o. But, again &= and, if ¥ equals nought, then a° may also be shown as a~. Therefore a*=+1 But, from our data: a®=—1 SO +1=—1I It has been noted that a®=1, irrespective of the value of a, and that, therefore, 19=20=g0 but it does not follow from this that: Similarly g: 1; except where a=b, for then (a—b) =o, so a—b o that e has no meaning in fact. ) o In the same way, the expression y—- appears to be mean- x ingless since it is impossible to divide nought by x. The expression is not, however, entirely devoid of meaning. It may be re-expressed as: Xy =0 whence we know that either x or » must be equal to nought. This fact is a fundamental one and the solution of quadratic equations depends largely upon it. Thus, where (x—1) (*+1)=0 we can state that either (x—r1) or (v+1) is equal to nought and that, therefore: X=-+1 or —1I