HITNY e R TR T e L S TR PRI TTE A . i J EBEHNIRR R i FeesyevT T PRT 0Tty ) C,;.»ud‘fim‘mumuw*%mu.nmuw~';'€'&mflwlym;m€"‘“"""" iRt A NG e 132 THE FASCINATION OF NUMBERS Any number from 1 to 63 may be found by adding to- gether the first numbers in each set in which the particular number appears. The number 63 appears in each set and the total of all the first numbers in each set is I+2+4+48+16+32=F63 Anyone who selects a number is therefore asked to state in which sets of numbers it appears. The addition of the first numbers in the sets mentioned will give the number selected. Set A Set B Set C 8 27 46 I 23 45 16 27 54 9. a8 = gy $ a4 £) a8 58 10 29 56 5 27 49 18 29 56 II 30 57 7 29 51 19 30 57 12 31 58 9 31 53 20 31 58 I3 (40 . 59 11 33 55 21 48 59 14 41 60 13 35 57 22 49 60 15 42 61 15 37 59 23 50 61 24 43 62 I 39 61 24 51 62 25 ‘44 .03 B e 2550 63 26 45 21 43 26 53 Set D Set E Set F - SRS . VORE 32 43 54 RO s Bk e Ry 33 44 55 § S LR Giey R0 10800 1 5 34 .45 56 R SR 7. .80, 53 35 . 49 57 2 L0 " ) 3 SO, | 54 36 47 58 BT P g 13 .96 55 37 48059 11 34 55 14 37 6o 38 . 49 . .60 14 35 58 15 38 61 39 50 61 15 38 59 20 39 62 40 51 62 18 39 62 21 44 63 41 52 63 19 42 63 22 45 42 O3 . 22 43 The ‘Counting’ Cards. Any number may be made up by adding together the first numbers on each card, or set, on which the number appears. Thus: 47=8+4+1+44+32+2. Another basic number property which may be made the basis for similar amusement is as follows. Take any number of two digits and reverse the digits. Then the difference