PSEUDO-TELEPATHY 129 Multiply by 5: 100x + 165 Deduct 165: 100% EXAMPLE § In this example two numbers are selected, one person selecting an odd number and another person selecting an even number. The task of the third person is not to discover the actual numbers selected but, instead, to discover which person selected the even or the odd number. This is quite simple. The first person (4) should be told to multiply his number by any even number, and the second person (B) should be told to multiply his number by any odd number. They should then add the two results together and disclose the sum total. If the total is odd, the A must have selected the even number, but if the total is even then B must have selected the even number. The stages are as follows (assuming that 4 multiplies his number by 2, while B multiplies by 3). (i) 24 (ii) 3B (iii) 24+3B The sum total is therefore 24 +3B. This can be even only if B is even; and so 4 will be odd. It can be odd only if B is odd and 4 will be even. EXAMPLE 4 It is possible to discover three different selected numbers, less than 10, by the following process. (i) Three numbers are selected: %, » and 2 (i) Multiply one of them by 2 = =2x (ii1)) Add 3 =2x-+3 (iv) Multiply by 5, and add 7 =10X 422 (v) Add in the second number =r10x-+22-4y (vi) Multiply by 2, and add 3 =20x+47+2y (vii) Multiply by 5, and add in the third number =100%+235-+10y+2Z 9 B g i3 = A 3 E ® = 1 . 3% | £ i