S S L W sl it 3 - | ] $ i S 5 S E. % = i 122 THE FASCINATION OF NUMBERS and at the end of the year: -02\12 f(i+33) If these expressions are simplified, we arrive at a different value at the year end for each of the different methods employed. By calculating interest still more frequently (e.g. weekly), we find that the value at the end of the year is again higher than if we calculate yearly or monthly. It does not, however, increase indefinitely. There is a value beyond which it will not increase, or in other words, there is a limit to its possible value. If the loan had been at 100 per cent. interest this limit would have been [£2-718 approximately and its connexion with the number ¢is at once apparent. In the present example the limit is £2-718%? or L1-021. The number ¢ may be represented in a number of different ways: e=2-1 I+1 242 3+3 4+4 ... I I I I i ey + TSR CRUREBC RSt U +[I L1 g } W 1+2414+144... =the limit of the sequence: (11)2, (11)3, (11)4, (11)5... In addition to irrational numbers of the type previously mentioned, there are other numbers, the values of which we cannot even calculate approximately. These are called itmaginary numbers and the most important of these is i, equivalent to the square root of minus 1. i=vV —1