! 120 THE FASCINATION OF NUMBERS and these adjusted values will be found to satisfy the equa- tion (13 x37) —(10 x48) =1 Various approximate values for the more important of the irrational numbers have been suggested at different stages of mathematical development. The square root of 2 has an approximate decimal equivalent: E | V2=141421356 . .. B L A simpler, though less accurate, approximation is e = ¥ for (4/2)% =20 - I_7> e ] and (12 —144—2 approx. The first few convergents derived from the continued fraction for 4/2 are: 1 3 7 1 i U SRR AR ~ 41 9 An approximate value for z is 3-141 59265 . . ., but several other useful approximations, suitable for the purposes for which they were suggested, have been used: (a) 333 (derived from (38)?) () V10 (c) Between 31 and gl : 1 The first terms of the continued fraction for x are: VRN i Fodeia P b it x,m‘yu.u_h.‘,......,nmww,ywwwzfingwmfi Hl : " 1 it PN N R ) il | 3+1 T 7+1 - 1541 : : f 141 g | i 2024 i, f and successive convergents are: } (i) 3 = (ii) 22 =3-142857 approx. (1ii) $33=3-141509 i = (iv) $4§=3-141509202 ,, v [~ IS \k}gur‘