IRRATIONALS AND IMAGINARY NUMBERS 119 The convergent values for this expression are, in order: oo e AR B 23 2R P ags g s The values of x and_y which will satisfy the equation are then found in the last convergent but one, if the total number of convergents is odd (as in this case). Thus x=8; and y=p5, these values being proved as under: (8 x32) —(51 X 5) =1 The required values are found in a slightly different way if the total number of convergents is even. For example, to solve the equation: 13x —48y=1 we set up the fraction 12 and expand it to: I 3+1 ey 2+1 4 and the convergents are: S If we substitute the integers in the last convergent but one (i.e. g and 11) for values of » and x, we obtain the result: (13 x11)—(48 x8)=—1 whereas we require values which will give a positive result instead of a negative one. We can, however, find the required values by deducting the integers in the third convergent from the values of a and & in the equation ax—by=1 If we call the integers in the third convergent x, and y, to distinguish them from the true values of ¥ and », then x=b—x,=48—11=37 y=a—y,=13— 3=10 premmenmam Y 3 -3