PERFECT NUMBERS AND SOME ODDITIES 95 Multiplication by the numbers 8 to 13 gives related results: 142857 X 8=1142856 9=1285713 10=1428570 11 =1571427 12 =1714284 13=1857141 In each of these results there is, of course, an extra digit. Five of the six original digits appear in each result; the other two digits in each result, if added together, supply the missing sixth original digit. 12. It has been contended that the numbers 142857 and 285714 are the only numbers (lower than one million) which can be multiplied merely by removing the first digit and adding it on again at the end. This statement is not strictly correct. There are two exceptions, one of them fundamental. (a) Every number consisting of x digits can be shown as a number of x+1 digits, where the first digit is a nought. The number 1234 is really the same as o1234. The nought in the position shown is always omitted in practice but it is always understood to be there. Its inclusion means precisely the same as its omission (that is, that there are no units of the fourth power of 10 in the composition of the number). The number 01234 is obviously multiplied by 10 when the nought is taken from the first position and added on in the end position. (b) Apart from the foregoing, it may be true that the two numbers quoted are the only ones which can be multiplied by a whole number by moving the first digit to the other end. It is certainly not true if we include multiplication by quite simple fractions. Thus: 153846 X 2=538461 This new number (153846) is exactly twice 76923. If this be hRan R : = = B i3 29 =3 i e e &