94 THE FASCINATION OF NUMBERS 10. It is possible to find certain numbers of eight different digits which, when multiplied by the remaining ninth digit, will give results containing all nine digits: 51249876 X 3=153749628 16583742 X 9=149253678 32547891 X 6=195287346 and also some variants: (a) where a zero is introduced in the result: 675412398 X 2 =1350824796 (b) using a two-digit number as multiplier: 8745231 X 96 =839542176 (ยข) using only some of the digits: 8 X473=3784 15 X93=1395 35 X41=1435 (d) where the same number can be obtained by the multi- plication of two different sets of numbers which are never- theless composed of the same digits: 12 X483 =42 X 138=5796 18 X297 =27 X198 =5346 11. The number 142857 has the remarkable property that if it is multiplied by any number from 1 to 6, the results will always consist of the same digits in the same cyclic order, but commencing at different points. 142857 X 1=142857 2=285714 3=428571 4=571428 5="714285 6=3857142 Multiplication by 7, however, gives a different result: 142857 X 7=999999