92 THE FASCINATION OF NUMBERS 4. Certain other square numbers have roots which, when reversed and squared, give the reverse of the original numbers. 12°=144 and 212=441 13°=169 and 312=q61 5. Some numbers when multiplied give the same digits but in reverse order. 2178 X4 =8712 1089 X9 =9g8o1 4356 X 13=6534 It will be noted that all these numbers are multiples of 108g. 6. Some numbers, taken together and added, give the same result as when they are multiplied. 2 X2=4 and 2 +2=4 13X3=4} and 1}43=4} Apart from the first example given above, one of the num- bers in each pair must always be in the form of a fraction, and there is a simple rule which enables such pairs to be generated. If x be one of the numbers, then the other will be a frac- tion of the form ——. X—1I Adding these two we get: and multiplying: X X2 X o Rt ) »—1 Thus, 74+I=7xI=42 This relationship is derived from the fact that the square of any number is equal to unity plus the product of the pre- ceding and succeeding numbers. 7. The number 123456789 (that is, containing all nine