S G L kit SR T i dahin i A Rt L R ยง AT SR GRS AR Gt o neyobedt it eitide et e AR PRITOTRT (1 IV 90 THE FASCINATION OF NUMBERS Somewhat similar to perfect numbers are those known as amicable numbers. These are pairs of numbers, each of which is equal to the sum of all the factors of the other. Thus, the sum of all the factors of the number 220 is equal to 284, while the sum of all the factors of 284 is equal to 220. The next pair of amicable numbers are 1184 and 1210, and other examples are 17296 and 18416. The other known amicable numbers are much greater. In another category are the Automorphic numbers, the special property of which is that their digits reappear as the last digits of their squares and higher powers. Examples are 25 and 76. Palindromic numbers are those which are the same either read forwards or backwards. The most simple form of palin- dromic numbers is the one containing a number of identical digits. Some palindromic numbers are themselves derived from others, as is shown by the following table of the squares of numbers consisting entirely of the repetition of one digit. 11%=121 I11%2=12321 I111%2=1234321 II111%2=129454321 ITI1112=12345054321 III11112=1234567654321 ITIIII112=123456787654321 IITITIT11%2=12345678987654321 Higher squares, however, give numbers of a different pat- tern. Another interesting series is that in which the palin- dromes form the centres of the numbers shown above: 232 =4 X 58 23432 =4 X 5858 2345432 =4 X 586358 234565432 =4 X 58641358 23456765432 =4 X 5864191358 2345678765432 =4 x 586419691358 234567898765432 =4 X 58641974691358