Py i S QR L R e Ulielibibt st Lot L A achiadiil ittt e o« SR e AT Fo a4 SRR EILAT FIRIEARee s 1 { 86 THE FASCINATION OF NUMBERS Therefore, in order to obtain the logarithm to base 10 of any number, we divide the logarithm to base 2, by the constant 3-322. This can be proved as follows. Let N be any number, so that N'=10" Then: n=Log, 0 N' . } . 20 0) But N=10" and 10=23%322 Therefore Jnzgtaite and 3-322n=Log, N But n=Log;, N (from (i) above) SO 3:322 Log;, N=Log, N Log, ; and Logm N=3—§—222— In general the relationship becomes: Log, N LOga N—m where b is the original base number and & is the base to which the original logarithm is to be converted.