MULTIPLICATION WITH A DIFFERENCE 79 The principle of multiplication and division in successive stages by the number 2 can be applied to division in exactly the same way since the division of one number by another is the same as multiplying the first by the reciprocal of the second number. Thus 994 can also be represented as 99 X+ and we can proceed as before: 99 ¥ 9 1 LV ® N 5w 3 4% Lol 997 = 144 This method is, of course, quite impracticable for present- day needs but was of very real assistance at a time when men found great difficulty in multiplying large numbers. It is in- cluded here mainly because it makes use of the knowledge of how numbers are made up and serves to emphasize the nature of that structure. It is a well-known fact that the squaring of a number con- sisting of a whole number and the fraction }, can be carried out by adding # to the product of the whole number and the next whole number. Thus, (73)*=7x(7+1) +}=56% This is because: (x+3)*=x+x+} =x(x+1)+% So that (743)2=7(7+1) +} as above The same principle can be applied to all numbers end- ing in 5. A PR o B R R PR R TAORE i I & B & i = 5 & S 3C 1 ] ] v