MULTIPLICATION WITH A DIFFERENCE B are taken. The first term in the right column will always be taken when the multiplier in the left column is odd. But the first term in the left column is always the multiplier itself, so that when the multiplier is odd, the first term in the left column is odd. So much is clear. What is not so clear is why the subsequent terms which must be taken in the right column are always on the same lines as odd numbers in the left column. The last term is always included for the last term in the left column is always 1 and therefore odd. The remaining problem is how the intervening included terms ‘know’ they have to be odd. The general theory may be explained thus: Take any figure (say 99) and split it into powers of 2 (99 =64 432 +2 +1=28+42542-1). Now instead of writing g9 in the left column, write the factors there and watch what happens: when we divide successively by 2. Left Right Column Column Term 26 2 5 99 = B 2 Ist 2% 4 2nd i 24:{23 8 grd { { 12~ 2: 16 4th 22 D 7= 5 32 5th 3={f 64 6th 1= 8 128 7th In the left column the plus-signs are omitted between the e RS R RN RS ROR TR S | . B 6§' & prbtenneomEIhig ROULE AN e BB aR e RIS AR SR AN