76 THE FASCINATION OF NUMBERS (d) for 24 x 10, we have: i 24 10 12 20 6 40 3 8o 1T TN To obtain the answer, the fourth and fifth terms are taken. In each case the terms taken in the right column coincide with the odd numbers in the left column. When multiplying by 24 (as in the last example) we are really multiplying by (2%+22) and this reveals a relationship between (a) the powers of 2 of which the multiplier is com- posed, and (5) the numbers of the terms to be taken in the other column. Thus if the multiplier is 2", we take the (n+1)th term in the right column. If the multiplier is (2" +-2%) then we take the (n+1)th and the (x+41)th terms in the right column. In other words, the numbers of the terms to be taken are always 1 greater than the indices repre- senting the powers of 2 included in the multiplier. Thus, to multiply by 72 this must first be reduced to its components of powers of 2. This is done by taking the highest power of 2 included (i.e. 26 =64) and expressing the remain- der in the same way. Thus 72 =26+423, The indices of the factors are 6 and 3, so that the terms to be taken in the right column will be the seventh (6+1) and fourth (3+41), so: 72 6o (1st term) 36 120 end ,, i 18 240 ged AR RN R 4 960 5th 2 I I & = = = L % IR i e R T 1920 Oth 3840 7th The fourth and seventh terms together total 4320 and this equals 72 x 60. When we multiply by an odd number, say 17, we are in fact multiplying by 2ยข+41. Hence the first and fifth terms B PEPCTLTEIE LEEOTVEARIE 1] JE TN ERE R LEALT LY RN T TSy T T P UE v e RVRVRIRpaeyLye 1 ve RO e