MULTIPLICATION WITH A DIFFERENCE 75 Superficially, the remarkable things about this method of calculation are (a) in dividing, remainders are ignored, and (b) the even numbers in the left column are always deleted; yet the answer is always correct. This is to some extent ex- plained by the fact that all even numbers are composed of varying powers of 2, and that all odd numbers are, in reality, even numbers plus 1. This will more clearly be seen from the following table. 1=1I 5=2241 2 =2 6=2%42 3=2+1I 7=22+2+1 4=23 8=22 As the numbers increase, new factors appear at certain stages. These factors are in order 1 (or 2°9), 2 (or 21), 22, 23, etc. A few examples of simple multiplication are now helpful. In (a) 2 x10, the columns will be 2 10 I 20 To obtain the answer the second term only is taken. (b) for 3 x 10, we have: 3 10 I 20 To obtain the answer, the first and second terms are taken. (¢) for 14 X 10, we have: 14 10 ” 20 40 I 8o To obtain the answer, the second, third and fourth terms are taken. Mo TS S o R e AR R SRR TR oA g SR T i T RIGHIR R