T A e it} ii. | %:: 2 e k== 5 R s ARIEE: 1 T s e SR B R RNV R F O SN LBIEIY 74 THE FASCINATION OF NUMBERS digits, the first digit is written to the left, and the second digit is written to the right of the diagonal. Next, the digits within the squares are added diagonally irrespective of the squares, and the results are written in order backwards along the bottom and continuing upwards along the left-hand side of the quadrilateral. As in ordinary addition, tens are carried forward to the next diagonal. The answer, 207336, can then be read off starting at the top of the left-hand side and continuing along the bottom of the quadrilateral. " There is another old method, whereby any two numbers may be multiplied together, which involves only actual mul- tiplication by the number 2. The procedure, known as Russian Multiplication, is as follows. Form two columns, headed respectively by the two numbers to be multiplied; it does not matter which number goes in which column. The number in the left column is progressively divided by 2, any remainders being ignored. The number in the right column is in equal stages progressively multiplied by 2. When the number 1 is reached in the left column, both columns are ruled off. All even numbers in the left column are crossed out, as also are the numbers in the same lines in the right column. The remaining numbers in the right column are then added and their total gives the answer to the multiplication. 397 x 196 would be calculated: 397 196 198 392 99 784 49 1568 24 3136 12 bz 6 o544 3 25088 I 50176 Total 77812 =397 X 196