DIVISIBILITY 71 Thus, 400101 =3§ and remainder of 97 (=100—3) x(100) =101 =(*¥—T1) and remainder of [100—(x—1)] or [101 —x] So, to obtain the desired result, the process is to divide by 100 and then deduct each quotient from the remainder before carrying the latter forward. As division is really another aspect of multiplication (since to divide a number by x is the same as multiplying that num- ber by -) it is not surprising that similar methods exist for x curtailing the work of multiplying. For example, to multiply any number by gg it is much simpler to multiply by 100 and then to deduct the original number to give the required answer T ¥ Y S RO R R e SO s IRAABLG it &fi =4 i S8 B A SRR O Gt inantatii sl Qe