I 60 THE FASCINATION OF NUMBERS the quadratic n2+ (¢ —1)n+N=o0, we have: o etk \/(a—l)é‘%fi M TR ST A RS SRR 2 ~ —a+1+V(a+x)? i SR q _—at1d(a+s) | 2 14X I1—2a—X The second alternative root is impossible, which leaves the value of I1-+x g We now take the number %29 as an example. 4N 41 be- comes 4(729) +1=2917. If 729 is composite, then we should be able to find one or more odd values (other than 1) for x so n that — 2 2—%}% =integral multiple of 2 In fact, we find that: 2917 —52 511 > =48 1+ B whence x=5 and a=241. The vaiue of n is then —= 2 S L R R S AR R R A s T 1 A RRBEEHRBHOABOHAENTBELUBNNRE 3 The number 729 can therefore be expressed as a series of consecutive odd numbers of three terms, the first term being 241. e 2411243 +245=729 It should be noted that other values for x can be found, according to the number of different factors of 729. A5 2 For example: N (17+1) TIISE TR IY LI e T it (T T AN ) TP bl WA i 1t