g e ua-ki.hwmfl-}m%;flifl‘v S : 2 2 : - | TR PAVETRPOPRTRPY L oFs B TSIUPE R GIN A iR e o AR 51 o R L LA PTTILTOTT I0st SRR OEIE AT I0e WA BRI 34 THE FASCINATION OF NUMBERS 4 3 2 ’_’i?”_(zim_fll_ The dit. ference between two consecutive fifth powers is therefore of the form 5(2x) +1=10x-+1, and the resulting number must therefore always have 1 as its end-digit. A table of end-digits for numbers up to the seventh powers is given below. It will be seen that all fifth powers have the same end-digit as the original number; all sixth powers have the same end-digits as squares and all seventh powers have the same end-digits as cubes. This process is continuous, every power number having the same end-digit as the number four degrees lower. ' as being of the form 2x where x= End-digit of End digits of Power Numbers Number Squares Cubes Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh — - - © O OO ¥ N =R O OO VO B O N O I O~ = Y= OO Y= O © O OO O N B O OO HO B - O N OO g O We have already given numerous relationships among squares and cubes. The particular behaviour of numbers consisting entirely of nines often points the way to discover- ing different relationships. Consider first, the following squares: 92=381 99*=9801 999*=998001 9999*=99980001 Any of the above square numbers can be obtained merely by placing a g in front of the previous square and adding a further nought between the digits 8 and 1. It will also be noticed that if the square number is divided at the centre into two separate numbers and these are added together,