= s g e e oo fi&k 28 THE FASCINATION OF NUMBERS The first numbers are in fact all of the form [z(n—1)+1] where the series is 73, and are themselves in series, thus: I 3 7 13 21 2 4 6 8 2 2 2 It should also be noted that each cubic series consists of the same number of terms as is represented by its cube root. The series for 52, for example, consists of 5 terms. The full relationships between cube numbers and the series of consecutive odd numbers may be demonstrated as follows. Each progression of odd numbers may be shown in a different way. Thus the series (7+4-9-+11), representing the value of 32 is the same as (7) +(7+2) +(7+4) and this, in turn, is the same as (3 Xx7)+(2-+4). This is a constant property, and the series for any cube #® may be shown as: (n X first number in series) +(Sum of progression (2, 4, etc.) having n—1 terms) or (W)n(n—1) +1]+"—[2+(2—1)2)] =n[n*—n+1]4+(n—1)(1+n—1) =n®—n+n +n%—n =n3 Cube numbers can also be built up as follows; the number - of terms in each series again being the same as the number’s cube root. I13=1 23=1+4% Shemt egdeng 4°*=1+7+19+37 5*=1+7+19+37+61 The numbers used in these series are called hexagonal numbers because they may be pictorially represented in hexagonal form, and these themselves are related back to triangular numbers to the extent that the (n+1)th hex- agonal number is obtained by adding unity to six times the