e & SERIES—SHAPES AND SQUARES 19 o N - PN - QUL WO N N O W N M AR AR oA H Totals: 178 "6 31078 "1 128 §EE ths T " T B L e R R O O R At AR B Lt (i.e. the seventh triangular number is the total of seven terms). This knowledge makes it possible to calculate any specified triangular number without having to calculate all the inter- mediate numbers. This is done by using the known formula for the calculation of the totals of Arithmetical Progression S ___(z%—l)n’ where S is the sum of the progression, a is the first term, / is the last term and 7 is the number of terms. Where §'is a triangular number, we know that the first term is always 1 and that the number which is the last term is always the same as the number of terms. 2 (a+0n (I—Zn)n i n-+n Spea e e _‘Tx.k‘:h IRHBOA fi Thus S S becomes so that if we know 7, we also know S. In other words, if we know the position of a specified triangular number we also know what that number is. Thus, for the seventh triangular SRR AL RO U NR R AR nsinauns AL : e gt ‘ number, n=7% and the required number is —2——=28. : SUTE Ao RO Expressed differently, this relationship can be stated as | revealing the fact that half the sum of any number and itself | squared is always a triangular number. ‘ Triangular numbers can also be expressed in either of the following ways: iy "'W"W'fl‘l I I 3 6 10 15 21 etc. (@) 1x1 2x1} 3X2 4%x2% 5x3 6x3} (0) 2x3 3gx1 4x1} 5%x2 6x2} 7x3 | . = TIESEEIGRCLT o '-.mm A 45‘;.'..- 5 SidEEaG i