R TR T R R RS S R R Fv R R s R T ekt o AT 1 e e U R PATYECT AEET SV IO fuaeti s 16 THE FASCINATION OF NUMBERS fully grasped the fact that a decimal number is only another representation of a fractional number. Confusion arises, for example, because the multiplication of decimal numbers always results in an answer less than either of them, whereas the multiplication of integral numbers always results in an answer greater than either of them (except where the multi- plier is negative). Thus: 5 X 5=25 But 5 X 5="25 That this must be so is clearer when it is appreciated that -5 % -5 is the same as 4 X 4 and is therefore equal to }. For although the expression # x4 means ‘multiply a half by a half’, it also means ‘calculate a half of a half’ and this must obviously be less than a half. An extension of the same principle also explains the super- ficially remarkable behaviour of two numbers, one slightly larger than 1 and the other slightly less than 1, when they are successively raised to higher powers of themselves. The numbers 1-1 and -9, for example, both approximate closely to the number 1, and it might seem, on first considerations that (1-1)" should always be relatively close in value to (-9)". There is, for instance, only a small differéence between the values of (1-1)2 and (-9)?, the values being 1-21 and -81 respectively; but the difference between (1-1)°° and (-9)*°° is immense, the former number being nearly 14,000, while the latter is less than : 10,000 Thus, as 1-1 is progressively raised to higher powers it becomes increasingly larger whilst g, under the same treat- ment, becomes progressively smaller.