THE MAKING OF NUMBERS 15 rational numbers—a rational number being one which can be expressed by a finite number of digits—and in each cate- gory there is an infinitude of numbers. There is no limit to them at all. So far as positive integral numbers are concerned there is a first number—one—but there is no such thing as a last number, since we can add one to any number and so obtain a larger number. If we take into consideration the fractional numbers as well, then we are faced by the pro- position that there is not even a first number for, as we have already shown, there is an infinitude of numbers between o and 1. And in the same way as the positive numbers stretch interminably in one direction, so do the negative numbers extend in the opposite direction. In addition to the rational numbers there are also irra- tional numbers or ‘inexpressibles’ as they have been called for the simple reason that they cannot be expressed in normal numerical language. A rational fractional number can be expressed in decimal form either by a finite number of digits or by recurring cycles of digits which always repeat in the same order, but expressions for irrational numbers have no ending and the decimals never recur. The square root of 2, for instance, can only be calculated to the nearest significant figure, according to the degree of accuracy required; it can never be calculated exactly. In the same way, there is no exact value for z, the symbol used to show, amongst other things, the relationship between the diameter of a circle and its circumference. For practical pur- poses, this is not a serious complication since the approximate values satisfy most requirements. From the theoretical stand- point, the existence of such numbers opens up wide fields of study which are well beyond the scope of this work, but their nature and basic properties are discussed in a later chapter. DECIMALS The behaviour of decimal expressions when multiplied is a source of never-ending mystification to readers who have not 3 | Bl - T \ SRR PATIEC TARB £ B RO & £ S O A T AR AT R B O AN DR IRREH N IRHEE: