INDEX ARTICLE Russian peasant method of multi- plication, 470 Scales applied to fractions, 132-135 Scales of notation, 109 Senary scale, 109 Septenary scale, 109 Series, 4 Series, multiplication of terms of, 39 Series of sums, 27 Sexadecimal scale, 109 Sexadenary scale, 109 Sexagenary scale, 109 Sexagesimal scale, 109 Sexidenal scale, 109 Sixteen hour clock, 146 Solutions, integral, 399 Subscript, 6 Summation, 27 Swiss plan, 151 217 ARTICLE Systems of notation, 109 Terms, 4, 104 Ternary rule for multiplication, 473 Ternary scale, 109 Thirteen months plan, 149 Time, units of, 146 Triadic relation, 176 Twenty four hour clock, 147 Tyranny of ten, 153 Undecimal scale, 109 Undenary scale, 109 Upper approximate quotient, 75 Vicenary scale, 109 Vigesimal scale, 109 Weight, units of, 145 Wunty, 112, 114, 115