W = e T— s SN i 3', i ;‘_ \ i ! g L = S oo 216 ARTICLE Factor of, 55 Fermat's theorem, 301, 302 Finger rule for multiplication, 463 Finite, 5 Fixed calendar, 149-151 Fractions represented in various scales, 132, 135 Function, 9 Generalized binary rule for multi- plication, 472 Generalized division, 91 quotient, 91 Geometric progression, 21, 24 Greatest common factor, 166 Harmonic progression, 25 Hindu notation, 108 Implies, 1 Impossible equation, 399 Indeterminate equation, 398 Induction, mathematical, 2, 238 Infinit, 5 Integral solution, 399 Lazy man’s rule for multiplication, 460 Least common multiple, 172 Length, units of, 144 Lower approximate quotient, 75 m-figure periods, 312 Mathematical induction, 2, 238 Measurement, systems of, 142 Mechanical devices for multiplica- tion, 467 Modulus, 176 Money, units of, 152 Monkeys problem, 488 INDEX ARTICLE Multiple of, 54 Multiplication of the terms of a series, 39 Multiplication tables, 119 Multiplying on the fingers, 463 Nonary scale, 109 Not, 1 Notation, 106 Numerical value, 43 Octary scale, 109 Octimal scale, 109 Octonary scale, 109 Odd multiple, 305 Or, 1 Periodicity, 291 Perpetual calendar, 149-151 Possible equation, 399 Powers of two, 122 Prime, 155 Prime to, 157 Progression, 4 Quantic, 104 Quantic function, 104 Quantic operation, 104, 222 Quaternary scale, 109 Queer property of numbers, 475 Quinary scale, 109 Quotient, approximate, 75 exact, 54, 75 generalized, 91 Radix, 106 Radix notation, 106 theorem, 102 Remainder, 77, 91 Residue, 91