INDEX ARTICLE Absolute value, 43 Addition tables, 117 Algorithm of Euclid, 226, 229 Alternating algebraic sum, 365 And, 1 Approximate division, 75 quotients, 75 Arabic notation, 108 Arithmetic progression, 15, 19 sequence, 412 Arithmetical value, 43 Base, 106, 425, 431, 433 Best radix, 137-141 Binary rule for multiplication, 470 Binary scale, 109 Calendar, 149 Casting out the elevens, 393 fifteens, 395 fives, 395 modulus, 225 nines, 393 sevens, 393 seventeens, 395 thirteens, 393 threes, 393, 395 Central term, 412 Change of scale, 123-131 Checking arithmetical work, 310 Chuquet-Baker egg problem, 487 Coconut problem, 488 Coefficient, 104 Common decrement, 20 difference, 15, 412 ARTICLE divisor, 24 ratio, 21 Comparison of radices, 136 Complement, 420 Complete solution, 407 Composit, 155 Congruence, 176 Congruent to, 176 Curious properties of numbers, 477— 486 Cyeclical arrangement, 293 Decimal scale, 109 Denary scale, 109 Determinant, 242 Digits, 92, 223, 311 Dishonest men problem, 488 Dividend, 91 Divisible by, 54 Division, approximate, 75 exact, 56, 75 generalized, 91 Divisor, 91 Divisor of, 55 Duodecimal scale, 109 Duodenary scale, 109 Dyadic relation, 178 Equals, 1 Equivalent equations, 403 Euclid, algorithm of, 226, 229 Even multiple, 305 Exact quotient, 54, 75 Excess, 428 Excess rule for addition, 458 215