LIST OF AUTHORS, BOOKS, AND ARTICLES REFERD TO IN THE PRECEDING PAGES American Medicine, editorial, New York, June, 1913. ArRTHUR, DANIEL, The Calendar Concept and its Evolution, reprinted from the Jewelers’ Circular Weekly, 1910. ARTHUR, JAMES, Time and its Measurement, reprinted from Popular Mechanics Magazine, 1909. BaLr, W. W. Rousg, A Short Account of the History of Mathematics, 2d ed., London, Macmillan and Co., 1893. BowbEN, JoSEPH, article on the calendar publisht in the Brooklyn Beacon by the students of Brooklyn College, New York City, Apr. 21, 1931; also publisht in the Adelphi College Fortnightly, May 21, 1931. , Elements of the Theory of Integers, rev. ed., Garden City, N. Y., publisht by the author, 1931. —, The Russian Peasant Method of Multiplication, New York, printed for the author by The Macmillan Co., 1912; later printed in The Mathe- matics Teacher, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Vol. V, no. 1, Sep., 1912, ——, A Curious Property of Numbers, Scientific American Supplement, no. 2058, New York, Munn and Co., June 12, 1915. CANTOR, Mor1TZ B., Vorlesungen iiber Geschichte der Mathematik, Vol. 2. CHRYSTAL, GEORGE, Text-Book of Algebra, Part I, 3d ed., London, Adam and Charles Black, 1893. CooPER, GEORGE H., Elementary Arithmetic of the Octimal Notation, San Francisco, Whitaker and Ray Co., 1902. Erviorr, E. B., On the Divisibility of Numbers, The Mathematical Monthly, Vol. I, no. II, Nov., 1858. ENcYcLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA, 9th ed., Vol. 23. EucLip, Elements of Geometry, Book VII. Gauss, KarRL FrIEDRICH, Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, 1801. HuntiNgTON, EDWARD V., The Continuum as a Type of Order, Annals of Mathematics, 2d series, Vol. 6, no. 4, July, 1905. JounsoN, W. WooLSEY, Bulletin of the New York Mathematical Society, Vol. I, Oct., 1891. LAPPARENT, Caractéres de Divisibilité des Nombres entiers, Mémoires de la Société Impériale des Sciences Naturelles de Cherbourg, Vol. IV, 1856. Literary Digest, editorial quoted from American Medicine, above, New York, Aug. 9, 1913. 213