212 SPECIAL TOPICS IN THEORETICAL ARITHMETIC If » = 2, the same formula for x, namely x=qgmtt—m*—n41, givesx = — 8¢ — 5 Here the smallest positiv value of x is obtaind by putting g = — 1, for which x = 3. The other formula derived for x, namely x=rmt 4+ (n—1)(m" — 1), gives for this case x = — 87 4 3, the smallest positiv value of x corresponding to » = 0, and 3'1=—'47‘+1 :\'2=—27’+0 g=— 1740 The monkeys get 2 coconuts the 1st man gets — 57 + 1 * Sl e =340 = If » = 0, the monkeys get 2 coconuts ““ 1st man gets 1 coconut S O ety whose sum is 3. Of course this solution is rather visionary, the second man on waking would hardly have given the only remaining coconut away; and, if they had gatherd only three, they would hardly have waited till morning to divide them. Again, if the num- ber gatherd was 3, they would have found it hard to divide the coconuts equally without cracking one of them. If » = — 1, the monkeys get 2 coconuts, the 1st man 6, the 2d man 3, whose sum is 11, the value of x when r = — 1.