MATHEMATICAL RECREATIONS 209 491. The distribution of the coconuts will be as follows: The monkeys get # coconuts, one from each man. The first man gets y: + 2 coconuts “ second yo + 2 “ third Y3 + 2 “ nth man Y + 2 The sum of these numbers is n+ @ity tys+ oo+ ) -0z If we add the » + 1 equations that we started with in § 488 and cancel and transpose properly, we find that the above sum equals x, the whole number of coconuts, as it should, that is, x=n+O+y+ys+ -+ )+ nz 492. We may use this formula to further check the three formulas X = q@mtt —n® =g 54 v = m»*(m + 1)¥(gn + 1) — 1 g=m—D[m+ 1) (gn+1) —1]:n of § 490. From the second of these formulas (1 + )/ +32) = (m + 1)/m so that the valuesof 1 + y;, 1 + v, 1 + y3, -++, 1 4+ v, form a geometric progression whose common ratio is (m + 1)/m, as they should by § 490. The first term of this progression, 1 + y1, equals m"*(gn + 1) by the formula. The number of terms is 7. Hence their sum is [(m + 1)* — m"](gn + 1). That is, A4+ +Q+y)+Q+y)+ -+ 1+ y.) =[m+1)"—m"](gn+ 1)