MATHEMATICAL RECREATIONS 207 But this statement is the £ 4+ 1th in the series of statements. Therfor by mathematical induction the statements are all GEIT: Next we will show that x — 1 = — m" — n (mod m"+!) Since 1 4+ y, = m™ ! (mod m"), y1 = m™* — 1 (mod m®) Hence ny; = n-m* ! — n (mod n-mn) But, since n = — m, n-m"! = —m*and n-m* = — mrtt > mrtt Therfor ny, = — m* — n (mod m"+) Butx — 1 = ny, Therfor x — 1= — m" — n (mod m**+) which was to be proved. Since this last statement is tru, there exists an integer ¢ such that x=qgmtt—mr —n-+1 We will now show that, if 1 = 2 = #, yie = m"*(m + 1)*(gn + 1) — 1 that is, that y = moi(m + 1)%gn + 1) — 1 yo = m"*(m+ 1) (gn + 1) — 1 y3=m"3(m~+ 1)%(gn + 1) — 1 Ve = m" *(m + 1) (qgn + 1) — 1 Yerr = m**(m + 1)¥(gn + 1) — 1 Yna = mi(m + 1)"2(gn + 1) — 1 Yo = m'(m + 1)»(gn + 1) — 1 The first of this series of statements is tru. For x —1=qgm"*' —m"—n=m"(gm — 1) —n =—m(gn+1) —n=nm"Y gn+1) —n and m=x—1) :n=m"(gn+ 1) — 1, which agrees with the first statement above, since (m + 1) = 1