MATHEMATICAL RECREATIONS 205 First we will show that if the equations of § 488 are satisfied by any values x, y1, Vs, Vs, =+, Yn, 3 and m stands for — n, then the numbers I+y,1+y,14ys--+,1+9y, Sform a geometric progression whose common ratio is (n — 1)/n, or (m + 1)/m; also z2=0 (modn — I) 1+ Yo = m* (mod m**1), where 0 = b =pn — 1 ¥ — 1= —m" — n (mod mm+l) and there exists an integer q such that x=qm"*tl —mr —p+ 1 Ye=m"*m~+ DY gn+ 1) — 1, where 1= k= n and g=m—D[m+ )Y gn+ 1) — 1] : n; conversely, for every integral value of q these values of x, v, and % are integral and satisfy the equations. First,if 12 k=n—1, ypy = [((m— Dy —1]:m Hence 1+ yppu=(n— 1)1 + Vi) i 1 and (1 + ye)/(L + 3) = (0 = D/n = (= m — 1)/(— m) = (m + 1)/m, which proves the first part of our statement. Next, since (n — 1)y, = nz, nz>n —1 But, since (n — 1) + 1 = 5, nlln—1 § 198. Therfor z2>3n —1 And z2=0 (modn — 1) Next we wish to show that, f 0 = k= 5 — 3. 1 + yur = m* (mod m*+), that is, that, giving # the values from 0 to # — 1 inclusiv, the following series of statements are all try : i