5 s gnaian oo | e i it Ly W g ¥t i ) s ol e g - q 4 ¢ 5 .! 1 i 204 SPECIAL TOPICS IN THEORETICAL ARITHMETIC Here we have # + 1 equations with the # 4+ 2 unknowns X, V1, ¥2, V3, * * *» Yn, 2. We may expect therfor an infinit num- ber of solutions. 489. For any particular value of # this problem may be solved by the method of § 417. For example, if n = 5, setting s, ¢, %, v, w for y1, V2, V3, V4, Vs, we have the following 6 equations with 7 unknowns: x=15s 41 4s =5t + 1 4 = 5u + 1 4y = 50 + 1 49 = 5w+ 1 4w = 53 From the last equation 5z > 4 But 5114 Hence 234 Therfor z=4m and hence w = Sm Substituting this value for w in the preceding equation, using the method of § 417 and going backward in the series of equations, we find after considerable labor that the com- plete solution of the equations is x = 15,625¢ + 3121 = 3,125¢ + 624 2,500¢ + 499 2,000g + 399 1,600 + 319 1,280 + 255 = 1,024 + 204 & w & @ ® oo II The solution of the problem is then easily completed. 490. We will now prepare to solve the problem for any value of n.