MATHEMATICAL RECREATIONS 201 Radix 5. 43 31 347 g 04 13 40 31 “ 4 Radix f. 31 0936 TS 13 012 2369 14325 —_— —_— —— 18 198 6993 39996 81 801 3996 69993 —_——— 99 1080 10989 109989 486. In a two or three figure number interchanging the first and last digits is the same as reversing the order of all the digits. But this is generally not so for a number of more than three figures. For such numbers, however, special rules can easily be workt out for the result of an operation like that explaind above in which we reverse the order of all the digits instead of merely interchanging the first and last digits. For example, in the decimal system, starting with a four figure number abcd, if @ > d and b > ¢, the result is 10890; if @ > d and b < ¢, the result is 9999. Starting with a five figure number abcde, if a > eand b > d, the result is 109890 if a > eand b < d, the result is 99099, Examples. 0831 8245 74612 51734 1389 5428 21647 43715 8442 2817 52965 08019 2448 7182 56925 91080 10890 9999 109890 99099